VKNJA STEEL MACE VIKING A-Z Follow Along program will challenge you physically by building strength, stability, balance and even improving your mobility. This program will also challenge you mentally by demanding mindful movement while creating deeper focus and coordination skills.
The program can be followed as prescribed, but can also be explorative. Choosing whatever workout you want, in whatever order you prefer based on your training goals.
In the videos are text instructions to the exercises and cues to apply form. The end of each video includes a demonstration of the round, with an explanation on how to finish with reps and how many rounds to do.
We hope you have fun, and if you are looking for more in-depth Steel Mace training programs, we have even more Steel Mace content coming soon! In meantime, we recommend “Hard Reps” Online Training for beginners. It will help clean up your technique, as well as reinforce the proper activations and where they need to be applied for proper engagement.
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