The Great Failure Of Fitness Programming


The Great Failure Of Fitness Programming

The great failure of fitness programming is that it judges the effectiveness of an exercise prescription by your achievement of a target result, rather than your success at functionally adapting internally (hormonal lot) and externally (neuromuscularly).

Popular fitness makes the goal of the workout that you DO the workout. Unfortunately, the MEANS of exercise is adding mechanical stress to create physiological (and biochemical) adaptation relative to YOU, not relative to some belief in an arbitrary number (an “END.”) The end is not the means!

The best case scenario is that it assumes a linear progress. However, most programs don’t even include any form of intelligent progression for you to incrementally (functionally not dysfunctionally) adapt.

But this is not the worst atrocity committed by popular fitness programming. The primary danger and ignorance in exercise design is that it assumes you are a blank slate which can be built upon.

But we are not some mechanistic collection of gears and cogs which are fashioned into larger and larger engines. You don’t build a bigger engine through exercise.

Proper exercise allows you to become a more efficiently integrated ecosystem of potential responses to external (mechanical) and internal (chemical) stressors.

We are swimming ocean of biochemistry with storms of changing hormones shifting from day today and moment to moment. A properly designed program can be up shifted or downshifted EVEN DURING your workout, so that you supply the appropriate type and degree of stressor to cause functional adaptation (and not dysfunctional).

Very Respectfully,

Scott B. Sonnon

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