Hello Friends,
Why do you plateau, backslide, and regress into pain and injury doing the same workout?
How may your workouts be working AGAINST you, rather than FOR you?
The answer is because we lack effective tactics for being healthily fit the way we were genetically designed to “Survive and Thrive.”
As a matter of fact, most people exercise in such a way that 50% of what they’re doing causes more harm than good, and even creates pain, injury and illness. Since the launch of our TACFIT comminuty over 25 years ago, our goal has remained the same, to enlighten people to come around and ask, “is my exercise tactical enough for my health and performance goals?”
Ask yourself, how can you exercise so you can:
- minimize time invested to 20 minutes/day
- maximize results in not just one aspect of fitness, but all aspects (power, strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility, agility, flow)
- increase available energy, not just for your workout, but throughout the day and restfully through the night.
- become pain and injury free, by removing the emergency brake before stomping on the accelerator.
regain a powerful, graceful physique by training as we were evolved to move: the “fighter’s shape” without ever throwing a punch.
“Tactical fitness” has erupted across the fitness industry, and many disciplines believe exercising how we were evolved to move, delivers optimal fitness. But few experts present a rational theory as to how our movement evolved. We have proven ourselves both on the mat and in the ring winning world championships in multiple combat sports, as well as on the drawing board, being implemented into institutes and agencies worldwide.
But don’t take our success as reason alone. Let’s look at the hard science.
Neuroscientist and TED keynote speaker Daniel Wolpert, Ph.D. asserts, “our brains evolved for one reason only: to produce complex movement.” All activities, from feelings to thoughts to communication are physical actions designed to drive or suppress future movements.
Exercising “complex movements” becomes a compelling, rational argument for an evolutionary approach to fitness. As we were genetically designed for our “Paleo” hunting and gathering, our brains evolved specifically to enable complex movements which we find in our ancient and modern martial arts, as well as through tribal dance expressions such as b-‐boy break-dance and urban “locomotive” disciplines like Parkour.
How we were designed to survive is precisely how we have evolved to thrive. If you want to excel in your fitness, you must tap deep into your genetic makeup, into the “symbolic” movements as Joseph Campbell describes, or the “archetypes” of Jungian psychology. Or as an increasing number of cutting-edge neuroscientists are revealing, your nervous system evolved to support your survival, so your health best benefits, or “thrives”, when you move with that primal heritage in mind.
“Tactical Fitness”, or “movement which derives from and supports our primal heritage” allows you to: Move to Survive so you become Fit to Thrive.
So what key ingredient has been missing from fitness approaches, and prohibiting people from tapping into their physical flow of empowered mastery? Incremental progression. You begin with the simple and move to the complex in such a way that never frustrates, confuses or halts progress. That is why the complete TACFIT suite of programs breaks down movements into their simplest components, only then building them step-by-step in an error-less process.
Very Respectfully,
Scott B. Sonnon