TACFIT Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System


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The Science of Developmental Motor Control

What is TACFIT Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System?

The sandbag is one of the oldest and most proven evolutionarily forms of strength conditioning. It has been a staple of wrestling exercise since Ancient Greece, and appears on wall drawings of Ancient Egyptian architecture. Yet, due to the advent of over-engineered machine-based training, sandbag training has been pushed into obscurity in an attempt to market 6 figure machines. Sandbag training uses a sand-filled bag in loaded movements, as well as lifted and swung exercises. It costs virtually nothing, is adjustable without any additional expense, and can be emptied for easy storage.

Why TACFIT Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System?

The old mechanistic view of our body involved the perspective that our muscles were engines designed to produce force, but that’s only a very small aspect of the total picture. In Biomechanics, we use the concept of Intermuscular Coordination, our first unique virtue of this program, which refers to how chains of muscles synergize in an exercise movement to create a sum total output of effort greater than if those individual muscles were trained in isolation (common in isolation-exercises on machine-based bodybuilding.) Our myofascia (our muscle and our connective tissue acting in unison) exhibits virtues of both creating and resisting movement. When sequenced properly, you develop the outward expression of power.


TACFIT® is the original Tactical Fitness System, created by Scott B. Sonnon. Tactical Fitness is defined as:
• Tactical: Of, relating to, or constituting a series of actions, carefully synchronized, coordinated, planned and executed to achieve a specific end.
• Fitness: methods, protocols and principles to physically, mentally and emotionally prepare, mitigate and compensate for specific occupational, recreational and lifestyle stressors.
• Tactical Fitness, therefore, is a contiguous approach for specific physical preparation to enter, overcome, and recover from stressors in such a way that the individual and team become stronger, better and healthier from the stressors, rather than deteriorate from them.

Creator of TACFIT

Scott B. Sonnon is Founder of TACFIT. He is an adjunct instructor for the US Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) and has acted as an SME for many agencies including: Israeli LOTAR Counter-Terror Academy, NYPD Academy, 3/160th SOAR, U.S. Marshals Academy, U.S. DHS Office of State and Local Law Enforcement, the US CBP Use of Force Center and several U.S. Military SOF Units. He provides his consulting to the U.S. Veterans Hospitals as a service. Scott developed the health first system: Circular Strength Training® to focus on deployable strength, mobility and resiliency. Since 1997, he has been teaching worldwide. In every country, he found the same problem: warriors shaped like their jobs, carrying an accumulated stress load; leading to shortened careers and “rusty armor.”

In answer, Scott developed TACFIT and the first tactical fitness instructor certification course available. TACFIT athletes recover faster from acute stress response and shed chronic stress load from training and career. TACFIT has been administered to over 4,000 trainers worldwide. Units in more than 13 allied countries have formally implemented TACFIT. Scott has been named by Men’s Health Magazine as one of the Top 25 Trainers in the World, and one of the 7 Most Influential Instructors of this Century by Black Belt Magazine, earning him a place in the National Fitness Hall of Fame, Personal Trainer Hall of Fame and the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He is a 5-time world martial arts champion and 6-time USA National Team Coach. He is the holder of several patents including the Clubbell®, has written 7 books, published 43 training manuals, and developed 53 specific fitness programs.

He serves as the Tactical Fitness Ambassador for 5.11. Scott and 5.11 are co-developing new technologies in tactical fitness, biomechanics and stress physiology. He leads training each day at the DHS CBP Office of Air and Marine Bellingham Branch ‘Fight Cage’ and connects this daily resource to a host of carnivores online.

The Complete TACFIT Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System

TACFIT Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System Start Up Guide

Inside this 28 page start-up guide you will learn how to reap the benefits from the Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System. You will find the level right for you, and discover how to simply, quickly and easily customize the system to meet your individual needs, challenges and goals, as these can change from day to day. You will find a color-photographed chart detailing each of the 18 exercises in the system, with complete instruction through each step. Carefully distilled science written in a way that everyone can understand, it involves decades of agency-level research, experience and refinement earning its part in the “World’s Smartest Workout” – TACFIT.

TACFIT Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System Daily Journals Calendars

Each of these six, 32-page Calendars provides you with both a pop-up chart of the entire 28 day cycle, as well as a day by day tear sheet of exactly what you need to do, how you need to do it, and where you can record your progress. You will find three levels of calendars: Recruit for the entry level trainee, Grunt for the experienced trainee, and Commando for the advanced trainee. You will also find two different variations of each: calendars to follow four 7-day cycles, and calendars to follow seven 4-day cycles.

Instructional Briefing Videos

In each of these eighteen 3-6 minute tutorial videos, you will have an in-depth video workshop with Coach Sonnon. He will provide you with all of the details that you need to understand how to perform the workouts, how to modify them to your needs, and how to up-shift and down-shift the techniques through his signature “micro-progressions” – steps within steps for you to guarantee your progress without pain. As one of the Top 25 Trainers in the World, Coach communicates all of the complexities of motor development in easy-to-understand, simple-to-follow language that allows you to continue to build and refine your results.

Follow Along Videos

These 3 Follow-Along Sandbag Anti-Rotational Movement System videos form the foundation of your training. By arranging the sequence of exercises in such a way that you constantly experience variety while simultaneously refining your skill in the core competencies of your primary physical performance, Coach Sonnon has created an exercise approach which builds muscle, burns fat, and increases your energy without exacerbating any prior painful or former injuries.

Progressive Yoga Series E – Yoga for Athletes Incremental Restorative Mobility

Progressive Yoga Manual

In this 39 page manual of fully-illustrated, high-definition photography, Coach Sonnon takes you to the new fusion of Western and Eastern Science. Applying his unique and hard-won knowledge on motor development, biomechanics and stress physiology, his “Progressive” approach to yoga, is about how to stop stretching and how to start strengthening a balanced physique. He not only provides you with the know-how supporting his powerful approach, but he shows you page-by-page how to do it yourself, with comprehensive descriptions crafted to focus on the key coaching cues.

Progressive Yoga Videos

In these three full-length, follow-along video programs, you will experience increased mobility, through Coach Sonnon’s signature formula for incremental myofascial release. Each step has been meticulously crafted to locate and restore function to lost ranges of motion, not only through the tension generated in exercise workouts, but also through your recreational, occupational and behavioral choices which reduce your full range of motion. No other yoga approach in history was specifically designed for athletically and chronologically “tight” people. The 30 minute full flow is supported with a 12 minute warm-up version for before your workout and a 12 minute cool-down version for after your workout.

**A portion of the Progressive Yoga Series E will require the use of a stability ball**

* The above is a symbolic depiction of the product’s content. For illustration purposes only.

The complete product’s content comes in a digital/downloadable format.


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