Mobility Heals And Energizes


Mobility Heals And Energizes

You need energy to spend energy! So if you’re stuck in a slump, recovering from an injury, overwhelmed by your tasks, flattened by over-trained effort, frustrated by lack of results or depressed by lack of energy, then… Don’t… Get… Up… yet. Build your energy where you are.

You may not know it yet but locked inside your compressed joints you can access a cold storage of chemically healing nutrients. How? When you can’t perform a movement, do mobility (Intu-Flow 101).

In only 8-14 minutes, you can release an espresso-like shot of healing energy into your fluid body through the bellows-effect of powerful exhalations, and by moving each major joint complex (neck, shoulders, shoulder blades, elbows, wrists, fingers, thorax, lumbar/pelvis, hips, knees, ankles and toes).

I discovered this when my back had been broken in martial art competition. The injury left me in agonizing restriction, plummeting me into depression. So I began to climb out by mobilizing one tiny joint at a time; starting with fingers and toes. By the time I had finally gotten to my lumbar and cervical spine without any spasm, I was finally able to get up and walk. Doctors said it would be weeks. Some insisted on surgery. Yet, I began walking pain-free in 5 days.

After standing, I then used my mobility approach to face jet lag, or an energy drain from an accidentally missed meal, to focus for an upcoming high anxiety speaking engagement, to decompress after a hostile encounter or to recover from an intense workout or martial art session.

After some time, my body adapted to releasing the stored energy upon rapid demand, so I now perform my mobility session with increased vigor, in low to moderate intensity exercise; resulting in a day long dynamo of energy generation.

If you can’t get up and get moving yet, stay there and get mobilized.

Mobility heals and energizes!

Very Respectfully,

Scott Sonnon

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