TACFIT Teaches “You-Fu”!


TACFIT Teaches “You-Fu”!

I like to equate personal mastery not with some far off place, but with the ineffable quality of feeling “at home” because “it” is an intuitive, subjective experience that one intimately recognizes, rather than ‘learns’ (as we are led to believe in conventional martial arts and fitness propaganda.) Watch any group of people, and regardless of your ‘level’ you can instantly recognize who has ‘it’ and who does not.

Conventional martial art and fitness give you a lease, an apartment to live in. It’s merely a ‘building’ – a ‘house’ and although you can call it your ‘home’, you always somehow feel like a visitor. Some are rat-infested houses, some are large developments of identical white picket-fenced, row homes, and others are very expensive condos in the metro district “with a view.” But you are only ever a renter, a guest on someone else’s property. The only way you can own one of these rental units is if you stay in it for 20 to 30 years, and then you are given the option to purchase the unit.

TACFIT presents another path. If you’re studying any of the TACFIT materials, you’re discovering that you have an inheritance awaiting you, off in the country – a beautiful mansion that your family already and always owned. You can purchase a vehicle from TACFIT and you can drive it where ever you choose, because TACFIT supplies you with a map and an onboard GPS tracker, and even a cellphone to call for help if you need it.

That doesn’t mean that it’s easy to learn how to drive, to live life with the responsibility of the driver’s seat. It doesn’t mean that you’re following any “short cut.” Like being a driver rather than a passenger, if you’re a land owner instead of a renter, you know that it’s actually MORE WORK to be responsible for your own property… an incredible amount of daily personal maintenance (practice.)

But the difference between renting and owning is indescribable; a sense of belonging, a confidence, a relaxed ‘at ease’ peace that defies description if you were to try and explain it to your former rental-mentality. TACFIT is a transformative system of service which empowers people to be more of themselves, which helps them find their home, and passes along the news so that others can do the same.

You can’t give someone else directions to their “home”, because frankly, you don’t have a clue where it is. Every map is unique. And you can’t, nor should you try to, drive them there. The POINT is that they learn to drive on their own, and that they enjoy the process, the scenery, the exploration, the beautiful mystery of the journey our life can, should and deserves to be!

Everyone comes to a critical point in their lives where they want to control their own destiny, where they want to own, not rent; where they want their daily sweat to count towards their own development, rather than someone else’s; and trust in their own intuition rather than following someone else’s governance.

If you’re willing to suspend what you think you know about traveling as a passenger, and living as a renter, then you can use TACFIT as a vehicle to drive yourself and find your way home.

And more importantly, you can then help others realize that they can do the same!

Very Respectfully,

Scott B. Sonnon

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