Hello Friends,
“If I look like THAT, then I shall be healthy,” blips through the mental radar a thousand times a day. We each experience the bombarding rain of marketing spear-heads hoping to penetrate your defenses, pierce your Fear-Reactivity and activate your submission to purchase a product or program.
“If I look like THAT, then I shall feel good,” echoes through our viscera as our organs, muscles, even our brain aches from the merciless onslaught of stress. We pine for the fading memory of pain-free movement, pain-free digestion, and endless energy, that physical exuberance marking the life of every child!
“If I look like THAT, then I shall be happy,” screams through the anguish of a mundane existence. In the “adult world” we feel like we’ve somehow lost something precious, that ineffable quality of bliss we each experienced as a child at play, in awe of the world, and hoping the day would never end so we would never have to sleep and miss another moment of PLAY!
We are each an incomplete puzzle piece. Our unique characteristics hide from our view… because our tensions, fears, and traumas conceal our actual nature. If and when we remove our Fear-Reactivity, not only would we immediately know our unique form, but we would also immediately appreciate how we “fit” into everything and with everyone else in the world.
People constantly attempt to shape us… to place us within the box of their expectations. They express the sheer audacity to be surprised when we defy their attachments to an “image”… a “shape” that they craft in their minds of who they think we are. Anytime we feel imposed upon by conventional fitness rhetoric, we ought to reject their attempts to impose their “shape.” Continue to reveal your own true form, and in doing so, gain the ability to help others reveal their form.
One of the most impacting quotes I had ever read was from Horace Mann – “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” For some reason, that resonated with me… Sometimes, honestly, it nearly drove me insane with the uphill struggle building a radical business founded upon play and community. I thank God for my family’s support to endure these trials, and for the blessing of being able to see today’s thousands of members as a result.
Stay focused upon the REAL GOAL, our true purpose – find your form… and help others find their own. That is what will make the world better… no matter how you express it, no matter what your vocation, no matter what venue.
Very Respectfully,
Scott B. Sonnon