Exercising Strength of Character


Exercising Strength of Character

Hello Friends,

No one comes to the TACFIT “tribe” empowered. Everyone comes with fears, traumas, and held strain. One of the greatest inhibitors to becoming involved, and one of the greatest anchors on development is fear of judgment.

What exactly does one fear when one fears judgment? Perhaps if we all understood this, we would be better facilitators of their empowerment. Let’s look at this.

When one develops physically, one can have stronger character. This is the realm of mental toughness, of course, but it’s also a simple by-product of ‘clean’ living. However, it’s not true that IF one exercises THEN one is a better person.

If I push myself to the goal for which I prepared, and do the thing that I previously thought impossible, does that make me a better person? Not necessarily. Whom have I injured and what specifically have I sacrificed in this endeavor? Did I irresponsibly neglect my work, my family and friends? Did I do so with reckless abandon for my health (abuse of performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids)?

My method of preparation, my behavior and my attitude all determine if my character improves by a peak performance.

People fear judgment when they first come to the “tribe” because of two logical errors. Firstly, they may believe the propaganda that physical prowess equals moral development – that being more ‘fit’ means being a better person (if A, then B). As a result, they may believe a second logical error, the inverse of that relationship: that being unfit equals being less of a person (if not A, then not B.)

I can tell you now that there are many, many more moral and ethical people than myself who suffer tremendous physical difficulties and disabilities. I admire and remain in awe of the vast extent of their wisdom, compassion, patience and selflessness.

My mentors and my experiences have cultivated within me a philosophy of physical culture founded upon strong ethical and moral fiber. I have many detractors because of this – those who cannot see that quality of movement (grace and poise), right action, full feeling, and right attitude, can indeed make one a significantly more powerful character. Empowerment, in other words, comes from how you APPROACH any discipline be it physical culture, martial art, or any other. It is a only a vehicle for transformation, though many drive as if in a demolition derby.

You can become the person you dream of being through physical culture if you approach the disciplines appropriately. It can be a way to overcome your fears, or a distraction from facing them. It is always helpful to look critically in the mirror at how you ultimately define “strength.” How we judge others is a reflection of how we are personally traveling on our path. If we consider a person, more of a person because they are “stronger” or less of a person because they are “weaker” then we have found a substitute for Truth, rather than a path to it.

Very Respectfully,

Scott B. Sonnon

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One thought on “Exercising Strength of Character

  1. I have read many of your posts and this is the best one yet. Truly inspiring – thank you. Having worked in the fitness industry for 20 years, I have experienced my share of superficial attitudes towards health. This was a very refreshing read.

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