Clubbell Athletics Foundations


Building a solid clubbell practice from the ground up



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Program Format Format:

Immediate Access – All Videos and Training Manual available for digital download

Time Time:

“Regression” Modifications included

Equipment Equipment:

At least one clubbell. See recommended weights below

Clubbell Athletics Foundations


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Clubbell Athletics Foundations


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What is Clubbell Athletics Foundations?

Clubbell Athletics Foundations


Meet your Team Leader

Angela Fisher

is a CST Head Coach and was the world’s first female TACFIT Team Leader at RMAX International. She believes regular, restorative movement practice is the key to unlocking our inherent and abundant flow. Angela first discovered the Clubbell and Scott Sonnon’s methods after finishing her Business degree. She was drawn to the Clubbell, not only for it’s obvious potential on the physical spectrum, but also for its ability to liberate the mind and remove subconscious fear-reactivity. The Clubbell served as a doorway for unleashing the inner confidence she knows we all possess within. Angela is a leader in safe and effective Clubbell mechanics s well as its usefulness in developing optimal strength through an emphasis on health and balance is a major focus and passion for her.

Emily Fisher

is a Circular Strength Training (CST) Head Coach, TACFIT Team Leader, and Co-Creator of the Clubbell Athletics (CBA) system. Emily earned her undergraduate and Teaching Credential in education and is an experienced educator and fitness coach. She specializes in individual and group Clubbell instruction with an emphasis on technique for injury-free training and holistic strength conditioning. Emily understands that the mind, body and spirit are inextricably intertwined and believes that movement is one of the most powerful personal outlets one can develop. She affirms that it is our divine right to operate our body with grace and poise, and has made it her mission to facilitate this in others.

The TACFIT Difference


Clubbell Athletics Foundations was created primarily as an entry-level product for the Clubbell beginner. This program provides a comprehensive platform to work on the fundamentals of Clubbell training in a safe and engaging format.

While there are many Clubbell products currently available, CBA Foundations is unique in that it offers exposure to the vast complexities of the tool in an accessible, beginner-friendly layout. It is also critical beginners develop a keen awareness of structural integration and integrity. CBA Foundations was specifically designed to accomplish this goal.


Aside from the obvious appeal to the rookie Clubbeller, CBA Foundations is also immensely beneficial to the intermediate and advanced athlete. Every level, from basic to complex, will prove to be a humbling and revealing experience for even the most adept Clubbell practitioner.

CBA Foundations dives deep into the subtleties of Clubbell mechanics, focusing attention on:

  • Structural queues
  • Grip nuances
  • Shoulder control
  • Alignment, mobility and activation strategies
  • Breath patterns that promote optimal adaptations
  • Swing techniques as you advance in strength and mobility
  • As most masters recognize, there is great value to be had from reacquainting oneself with the fundamentals. Through this investment, the seasoned participant is able to acknowledge forgotten truths and make huge gains in refining their practice.

What's Included?

Three levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) each with the following:

  • 5X Warm-Up videos
  • 5x Activation videos
  • 5x Exercise videos
  • 5x Cool-down videos
  • Manual introduction to Clubbells + Easy Start-Up Guide

Recommended Weights

MALE Dual Clubbells Single Clubbells
Beginner 10lbs 15lbs
Intermediate 15lbs 20lbs
Advanced 20lbs 25lbs
FEMALE Dual Clubbells Single Clubbells
Beginner 5lbs 10lbs
Intermediate 10lbs 15lbs
Advanced 15lbs 20lbs

Program History

Angela and Emily Fisher have been qualifying Clubbell instructors since the inception of of first TACFIT certification courses. In their evaluation of hundreds of subcontractors and staff instructors, as well as enthusiasts and athletes, certain fundamentals become refined.

If you are beginning Clubbells, or if you are, like most people, unclean in your form, you have to “do it right” in order to receive maximal benefit from Clubbell training.

The Clubbell Athletic Foundation workout guides and data tracking recommendations will teach you not only how to be aware of your progress, but provide you with insights on upshifting or downshifting depending upon your rate of recovery. This Foundations course for Clubbell training is long awaited in arrival, and this course will answer unclear questions, provide an onramp to high functioning performance, and offer a key guidance on how to progress without injury.

Whether you are a new or an experienced Clubbell swinger, your own “foundation” will be strengthened.


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