BAD45 exploits cutting edge discoveries in exercise endocrinology, which gives you entrance into 3 CRITICAL WINDOWS for your optimal performance: the catabolic, or fat burning window, the anabolic, or muscle building window, and the metabolic, or energy enhancing window. You only need to follow the turn-key daily calendar to achieve results you haven’t been able to access before, even when working your hardest and spending an enormous amount of money on the “perfect diet.”
BAD 45 saves you enormous fees on gym memberships, prevents you from facing months and years of frustration not gaining your results and safeguards you from losing results due to regress, pains and injuries. This is a simple yet revolutionary approach to consistently burning fat, building lean muscle and enhancing your balanced energy all day long with BAD45!
There are three primary results gained through BAD45
- The first you’ll experience immediately: energy increase. Through the re-balancing of your internal environment, your metabolism will increase, but also you won’t be experiencing lulls in your daily cycle of energy. This has to do with a unique “Pulsating Effect” of your hormone release.
- Increased serotonin levels from the type of exercise included in the system will make you sleep better, setting up a chain reaction leading to greater fitness results.
- Your fat-burn will be noticeable within the first 1-2 weeks and the muscle gain not long after, but these are magnified due to the scientific approach to “Waving Intensity” across the hormonal spectrum of exercise. (The “wave” is all explained in your step-by-step program!)
Dean –
Bad45 is great. It helped me lose weight and feel good at the same time. Felt more athletic also. Not bad for a guy in his late 60’s.